sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Goal 3.1 ¿Por qué necesita ayuda el alumno en un curso a distancia?

Mainly, the student needs to acquire habits that will help him become autonomous. It is all a matter of teamwork and the teacher cannot expect the student to do everything on his own, and even less to know everything. That is the reason why the student is taking a course: He is learning. So on, the teacher must provide course-long assistance and be a permanent guide. With this help, the learner can develop his competencies furthermore instead of only staying with the same information or abilities he already has.

Overall, we can see it is a 50/50 situation. Both teacher and students have to do their part. As many of us will be able to recall, we indeed have had courses were the teacher has played a terrible 5% leaving practically all the work to us -- and this person was not even able to grade us back in time. Let's all agree that we do not want to be this kind of teacher in the future. We must do our job and be the facilitator that will guide the student to improve in all that he is and he does.
Everyone is different, and so, we all have different  ways of thinking, which will result in people perhaps misunderstanding instructions, assignments, or in some occasions needing more time to complete a task. Therefore, the teacher must be present to help each student -- if possible-- according to their needs.

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